Do Not Be Afraid

06-25-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Stanislaus Okonkwo

A story was told of a child who was very calm in a flight in the midst of very severe turbulence, while other passengers on board panicked, screamed and prayed. When everything returned to normalcy the kid was asked why he remained calm as the turbulence raged, he simply replied “Because my father is the pilot, so I know that everything will be fine”. If this child could have such confidence in his father, with his limited human abilities, how much more confidence ought we to be in God our Almighty and All-knowing father?

In the first reading, the prophet Jeremiah laments the evil conspiracies his enemies, some of whom he had considered as friends, were plotting against him, all aimed at seeing his downfall (Jer 20:10). He was pained by this consequence of his prophetic vocation but he could not help it. According to the prophet, God has seduced him, taken over him and he cannot resist. When he prophecies the people deride and ridicule him, yet he cannot stop speaking because it is like fire in his bone which he cannot hold in (Jer 20:7-9). Having been chosen by God for the mission even before he was born, he wished not to have been conceived (Jer 20:14-20). However, in spite of all the threats, he reposes his full trust in the Lord and acknowledges God as his only hope, the strong warrior by his side, his rescuer and avenger in whose name he will triumph over all the evil plots against him. In the same way, God makes us to triumph over sin, the burden of the law and even over death. This help is described in the second reading as Divine grace that comes through Jesus Christ (Rom 5:12-15).

Thus, in today’s Gospel, Jesus commands us three good times not to be afraid. Sending his twelve apostles on mission (Mt 10), Jesus warns them about the threat of hostilities that await them, as sheep among wolves (Mt 10:16), yet, his assurance is emphatic: Do not be afraid. First, he says, Do not be afraid because all hidden designs will be exposed (Mt 10:26), then, he repeats; Do not be afraid even of those who can kill only your body, rather fear him who can both destroy the body and lead the souls to hell (Mt 10:28). He concludes by reminding them and us of how valuable we are in the sight of God, for if God can protect the less valuable things, how much more us his beloved people (Mt 10:31)? Therefore, brethren, God’s call is direct; Do not be afraid, trust in God, hold firm and be steadfast, wait on the Lord for the Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear! The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid (Ps 27)?

Fr. Stan