To Place God Above All Our Possessions

09-25-2016HomiliesFr. Tony Okolo

Listening to the harsh words of Prophet Amos directed against the rich and wealthy in the first reading and the condemnation of the rich man to hell in today’s Gospel, one may think that God is against the rich or that the wealthy are cut off from the kingdom of God. But such an idea is far from the truth. After all, we are told in (1 Samuel 2:7 “The Lord makes poor and makes rich, he brings low and, he also exalts”), (1 Chronicle 29:12 says, “Both riches and honour come from God, and you rule over all.”), (Ecclesiastes 5:19 says, “Every man also to whom God has given wealth and possession and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lots and find enjoyment in his toil this is the gift of God.”) Therefore, since both wealth and riches come from God, he is not against riches or those who possess wealth but rather he is against those who have lost sight of God because of their wealth, those who exploit others and those who treat others with contempt and indifference, and those who show no care and attention towards the poor.


Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Luke 16

09-18-2016HomiliesFr. Chauncey Winkler

What will be your inheritance? How will it come to you?  Who will give it to you? 
Are you currently responsible for something that doesn’t belong to you? Or put differently, do you currently have something within your control that does not belong to you?

In the gospel reading, Jesus tells a curious story about a dishonest man and then proceeds to challenge his disciples about their identity and what they hope to inherit.  This follows in the context of last week’s gospel about a lost sheep, a lost coin and two sons who were each lost in different ways because they misunderstood their father’s heart.  Therefore, they completely misunderstood the real value of their inheritance.  In fact, they missed the true inheritance completely.  


Father Lawrence’s Farewell Celebration

05-29-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

More than five years ago, Father Lawrence Bakut came to Our Lady of the Lake from his Diocese of Zaria in Nigeria. He had been teaching at the university there for many years and serving at a large parish near the university.

At the end of June, this year, he will be returning to his university and parish work in his Diocese of Zaria, where he has been greatly missed these past five years.

I want to thank Father Lawrence for his ministry here. His knowledge and experience as a priest and professor have been a great blessing for me and for all of us in so many ways.

On Sun, Jun 12 everyone is invited to the Holy Family Parish Center at 11:30 am for a light lunch and to show our appreciation to Father Lawrence. Then it will be our turn to miss him.

Father Chauncey

Catholic Diocese of Zaria, Nigeria Appeal Apr 9/10

04-03-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Lawrence Bakut and Fr. Barnabas Duniya

The Diocese of Zaria, Nigeria was erected on March 3, 2001 via promulgation by Blessed John Paul II with Bishop George J. Dodo appointed as first bishop. He was here in Flagstaff in December 2010 and early this month.

The Diocese of Zaria is located in Kaduna State of Nigeria with the majority of the population as Muslims. Zaria town has a total population of about 1.8m people and out of this 68,000 are Catholics.


Happy Easter!

03-27-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parish Family,

Today, we celebrate not only an empty tomb, but the One who opened the tomb and left it empty. Jesus the Christ destroyed death; His death and our death. Fear of death may once have had power over us. But, for Jesus’ disciples, then and now, faith in Jesus Christ conquers that fear. It is His gift of faith that brought us here today to celebrate His victory and worship Him as Lord of the world.


Welcome Father Barnabas Duniya

02-14-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Please welcome Father Barnabas Duniya to Our Lady of the Lake Parish and Our Lady of the Desert Mission. Father Barnabas was ordained on July 6, 1996 for the Kaduna Archdiocese in Nigeria. In 2000, he became a priest of the newly created and erected Diocese of Zaria in Nigeria. He has served in several capacities, including Cathedral Administrator, Director of Priestly Vocations and Director of Liturgy for his diocese, and most recently as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Zaria.

I am grateful to welcome Father Barnabas here in Lake Havasu City. He brings a wealth of priestly experience to us.

Blessings †
Fr. Chauncey

Christian Life & Witness Course Details

01-17-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parishioners,

Double check your calendars for January 17th, 24th & 31st. These three Sunday evenings, Gary
Cobb will be here to present the Christian Life & Witness course. This is the most important event
to prepare the parish community for the Colorado River Celebration with Will Graham
(Billy Graham's grandson) this coming March 11th & 12th.

Each of the 3 parts of this course will be presented in five locations here in Lake Havasu City on
different nights of the week. So, if you are unable to make one or more of the Sunday evening
sessions, you can attend a similar session at one of the following locations.


Christian Life & Witness Course

01-10-2016Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Come to the Christian Life & Witness Course on the final 3 Sunday evenings of this month here in Holy Family Parish Center.

I will welcome our instructor, Gary Cobb from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He has been teaching this 3 night preparation course all over the country for 20 years now. By coming to only 3 evening courses, we will learn (or relearn) the lessons of the effective and victorious Christian life that makes us witnesses to the world. I look forward to seeing you there on the 3 Sunday evenings of January, the 17th, 24th, 31st. We will begin at 6:30 pm in our parish hall behind the Church. Please come about 10 minutes early, ready to take notes. All other materials are provided. This valuable learning opportunity is free of charge. It is the most important part of our parish preparation for the Will Graham Colorado River Celebration this coming March 11th & 12th. See you there.

+ Father Chauncey

Merry Christmas!

12-25-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parish Family,

Whatever our age, perhaps no other event moves us as much as the birth of Jesus Christ. Two parents who, in the providential care of God, and despite so many obstacles (economic, political, social, etc.) find a way to bring their child into the world. To their surprise, he is visited by shepherds and wise men, each telling wonder--filled stories of how they have come to adore this child, having been announced by both angels and a star. St. Luke tells us that Mary "pondered all these things in her heart."Even Mary and Joseph, filled and led by faith, are learning about this child with each new visitor. He is God--with--us, vulnerable as any baby. The one who gave us our hearts now comes to draw our hearts to Him, so that we would be changed and saved. No words I know can speak to us as powerfully as simply gazing upon the scene of our Lord's nativity.

I pray you will be free enough to lose yourself within the true beauty of Jesus' nativity, to feel your humanity being delivered from all lesser concerns, and so to find yourself in the peace and joy of the Holy Family.

Merry Christmas! His love is born for you tonight.

Father Chauncey

Yes, Catholics are called to be evangelical.

09-13-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parishioners,

The Church (that’s you) is called by Jesus Christ to evangelize the whole world. This includes everynation on earth. It also includes our own town, neighborhood, and family, people we see and know.

Two years ago, Pope Francis added his own voice to the preaching and teaching of a long line ofpopes calling all of us to boldly share the joy of connection, our own lives to the life of Jesus Christthe living Lord. This is the Good News to be shared. Indeed, how will people know unless we tellthem? Pope Francis quotes Pope John Paul II to say “if the Church is to fulfill its providentialdestiny, evangelization as the joyful patient and progressive preaching of the saving death andresurrection of Jesus Christ must be your absolute priority.” Wow! “Absolute priority”, those arestrong words.


Yes, Catholics are called to be evangelical.

09-13-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parishioners,

The Church (that’s you) is called by Jesus Christ to evangelize the whole world. This includes every nation on earth. It also includes our own town, neighborhood, and family, people we see and know.

Two years ago, Pope Francis added his own voice to the preaching and teaching of a long line of popes calling all of us to boldly share the joy of connection, our own lives to the life of Jesus Christ the living Lord. This is the Good News to be shared. Indeed, how will people know unless we tell them? Pope Francis quotes Pope John Paul II to say “if the Church is to fulfill its providential destiny, evangelization as the joyful patient and progressive preaching of the saving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ must be your absolute priority.” Wow! “Absolute priority”, those are strong words.


Farewell to Fr. Paul

08-09-2015Weekly ReflectionFr. Chauncey Winkler

Dear Parish Family,

Father Paul has served Our Lady of the Lake Parish for two years. I am grateful for his kindness, his prayerful spirit, his hard work and his friendship. The priest who currently leads the Society of Saint Thomas the Apostle (the priestly society from southern India to which Father Paul belongs) has called Father Paul to return to him right away. Since the call came while I was away, I was unable to say goodbye to him in person (as were many of you). However, I am grateful to God for Father Paul’s ministry here with us. Let us all remember Father Paul in a prayer of thanksgiving, and ask God to bless him as he continues to respond to his call. Thank you.

Yours in Christ,
Father Chauncey