Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante Campaign

Campaign Prayer

Eternal Father, through your Beloved Son Jesus and the intercession of Our Lady of the Lake, pour out your Holy Spirit on our Campaign.

You have blessed Our Lady of the Lake Parish abundantly. Thank you for all those who came before us to provide our beautiful church and campus. May the gifts and labor we now offer begin in your mercy and be brought to completion by your saving help.

Open our minds to your thoughts.
Open our hearts to your generosity.
Open our hands to the work you have prepared for us, so that we may hand on with increase that which we received from the faithful hands of others.

We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Great Work!

06-30-2019  |  

Parish Family,

We are well on our way to the new buildings. With the first 205 pledges we have fulfilled and surpassed our first threshold. Great Work! Together with funding for school and parish space, we have also supported seminarian formation, Newman Center ministry, assistance to the poor and the growth of Catholic Education across the whole diocese. Now, we are ascending to our final goal of $4.4 million. In this phase, 100% of everything raised goes straight to our local parish project. We can be gratefully proud of this for many generations to come. Take joy in your offering as you lift up a part of what God has entrusted to you.

The Together Campaign

05-26-2019  |  

Witness Weekend

Special thanks to those parishioners who are speaking at all Masses this weekend to offer their support of the campaign. Please be sure to express our gratitude to them if you see them around town or at the parish. Not everyone likes public speaking so were are especially proud of those who said “yes.”

I have heard from many of you that you think a K-8 elementary school will be both an important step for our parish and also the entire community of Lake Havasu City. In addition to Catholic families, we know that there non-Catholic residents of Lake Havasu who are seeking the academic standards and the moral and ethical teachings that our school provides. As we come to the end of another successful academic year please help us spread the word this summer about our current school and plans for new construction!

Visit and click “Donate.” To give securely and directly, be sure to select “Our Lady of the Lake Parish, LHC” to ensure your pledge helps our parish.

If you have any questions please call the Parish Office at 928-855-2685.